Sen. McCain Responds To Sen. Obama On The Situation Room
Obama on Being President CNN
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Recent Obama Video of Interest
Posted by MJ at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign, campaign 08, McCain, Senator McCain
Monday, March 26, 2007
$$$ It's All About the Money...Like it or Not
Obama is predicted to come in around 20 Million. That puts him right in the mix with a good showing so far. MJ
-----------------------------------Fundraising race heats as deadline looms
KUHNHENN The Associated Press 3/26/2007
Posted by MJ at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign 08, Hillary Clinton, Hillary fundraising, Obama fundraising, politics
Sunday, March 25, 2007
A Series of "Must Read" Obama Articles...
I scour the internet to bring the best information and perspective I can find on Obama. Here are some "must reads" that you just won't find in your newspaper, or on the news. MJ
-----------------------------------------------------------------------March 23, 2007
Barack Obama
Steven M.
Sailor has written a number of shorter follow-up pieces about Obama that
also are well worth reading. See here, here, and here.
Obama’s Identity Crisis
March 26, 2007 IssueCopyright © 2007 The American Conservative
Although he presents himself as a healer of differences, the presidential
candidate’s own racial struggle paints a conflicted Steve Sailer
Posted by MJ at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: American Thinker, Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father, grassroots media, Steve Sailer, The American Conservative
Friday, March 23, 2007
Better Keep an Eye On This Story
Lets see how this plays out. It could be nothing...or it could turn into a real head ache if more people have things to say about Obama's book, and his past. MJ
The not-so-simple story of Barack Obama's youth The glare of the presidential campaign is shining on people previously hidden behind pseudonyms in Obama's memoirs. One of them, a convicted felon, demanded money from the campaign. Or else.,0,3268648.story?coll=chi-homepagepromo440-fea
Posted by MJ at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign 08, Dreams from My Father, Kakugawa, politics
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Creator of Hillary 1984 Ad Comes Forward
There are some ties to the Obama campaign with this...but I doubt much will come of it.
They only burn GOP operatives at the stake for this type of thing. ;-)
Who Created "Hillary 1984"? Mystery Solved!
Mystery creator of anti-Clinton ad ID'd
Posted by MJ at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign 08, Hillary 1984, Hillary attack video, Hillary Clinton, ParkRidge47, Youtube
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
The Grassroots Media Wins Round One?
More information and background on the so called "Hillary 1984" video.I find the whole story fascinating and will continue to follow it here.
This story is at the epicenter of the changing face of U.S.politics,campaign tactics and media, converging with the internet. MJ
Who is the person behind the Clinton attack ad?
"considering Hillary Clinton's biggest video has only received 12,000 views on YouTube, I'd say the grassroots has won the first round."
Posted by MJ at 7:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, clinton attack ad, grassroots media, Hillary 1984, Hillary attack video, Hillary Clinton, ParkRidge47, politics, Youtube
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Guerilla Campaign Video Attacks Hillary
Which is more impressive? If this came from the Obama campaign itself... or if it came from his supporters? Either way...once again the most fascinating stories revolve around Obama and Hillary.
Take the time to read the whole article and watch the video...highly recommended!--------------------------------------------------------------
Political video smack-down
'Hillary 1984': Unauthorized Internet video for Obama converts Apple Computer's '84 Super Bowl spot into a generational howl against Clinton's presidential bid
It may be the most stunning and creative attack ad yet for a 2008 presidential candidate -- one experts say could represent a watershed moment in 21st century media and political advertising.
Yet the groundbreaking 74-second pitch for Democratic Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, which remixes the classic "1984" ad that introduced Apple computers to the world, is not on cable or network TV, but on the Internet.
Posted by MJ at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign 08, Guerilla campaign, Hillary 1984, Hillary Clinton, Obama video, politics
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Has Hillary blown her lead?
More on Hillary blowing her lead...more good stuff from Dick Morris.
Hillary's Mistakes Fuel Obama's Surge
Friday , March 16, 2007
By Dick Morris and Eileen McGann,2933,259150,00.html
In the aftermath of Hillary’s two big mistakes — attacking Obama over the remarks of David Geffen and competing with the Illinois Senator for African American votes at Selma, Ala. — Obama has now closed in on Hillary dramatically, moving within seven points of the frontrunner, in the latest Time Magazine poll. Nationally, Hillary’s lead has collapsed to 30-23, with Edwards running a distant third.
Hillary’s fall — Time had her ahead of Obama by 40-21 in January — has been animated by a switch of black voters among whom she had been leading by three to one. But that was before she made the colossal mistake of attacking Obama for the comments of his financial supporter David Geffen. Obama had been wrestling with the dilemma of how to attract black voters without embracing civil rights leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Then Hillary, led by her consultant Mark Penn, decided to unload on Obama, blaming him for Geffen’s remarks which criticized her husband’s pardons and his personal “recklessness.” Faced with a white attacking a black candidate, African Americans rallied in droves to support Obama, closing the gap between the two Democratic front-runners to eleven points.
The geniuses running Hillary’s campaign made another big goof in sending both Clintons to Selma, Ala. to horn in on the celebration of the 42nd anniversary of the voting rights march. It was Obama’s day and his speech, lecturing African Americans to abandon their “anti-intellectual” attitudes, contrasted sharply with Hillary’s pandering, pat, and scripted rhetoric. When the former First Lady tried to say that the march for voting rights for blacks made her candidacy possible, she was laughable and her imitation of a southern drawl fueled jokes all over the country.
Now, in the wake of Selma, Obama has tied with Hillary at 36-36 among black voters in the Time poll. This elimination of Hillary’s lead among African Americans has pushed Obama to within four points of her in the South and ahead of her in the West.
Even as the poll was being released, Hillary was making a third mistake. She told the New York Times on Tuesday, March 13 that she would keep troops in Iraq if she were elected. “I think we have a remaining military as well as political mission [in Iraq] trying to contain the extremists,” she said. While indicating that she would have troops avoid policing urban areas, she said they would continue to “provide logistical support, air support, training support” and would be deployed “between Baghdad and Kirkuk ready to “continue to provide support, if called for, for the Iraqis.”
This new twist on her Iraq position comes a few days after she said she would vote to attach a rider to the appropriations bill funding the war calling for full withdrawal by March of 2008. Hillary characterizes this as a “goal,” not a legal requirement.
But her new comments supporting continued deployment will open up a huge gap between herself and Obama on the war. The Illinois Senator has always opposed the war in Iraq and wants to force a complete withdrawal for all American forces by the spring of 2008. This position puts him on a collision course with Hillary, a dangerous posture for Mrs. Clinton among a Democratic electorate that backs total withdrawal by 77-18 in the latest FOX News survey.
Why did Hillary make these three mistakes opening the door for Obama to close the gap?
Her attack on Obama was mapped out, according to columnist Bob Novack, in a conference call headed by her consultant Mark Penn. But, what drove the decision was Bill Clinton’s vanity and temper. Stung by Geffen’s criticism, the former president demanded that Hillary’s campaign answer the attacks — a key and crucial mistake.
Her pathetic attempt to appeal to blacks in Selma was probably the result of panic at the consequences of her first mistake, an overreaction that did her more harm than good.
But why the double-talk on Iraq? Hillary may be feeling over confident of her lead in the primaries, and wants to lay the basis for tacking back to the center in the general election. If that’s the case, she needs to reread the polls.
The more likely explanation is that she is in the thrall of the generals and security experts who parade before the Senate Armed Services Committee on which she serves, and she finds that she cannot ignore what they are telling her. Just as she followed health care guru Ira Magaziner off a cliff in 1994, just as she pushed her reform legislation until it cost her party control of Congress, she now hues to the military line that we need to stay in Iraq. Of course, she was wrong on health care, but is right on Iraq. But that doesn’t matter much. She will pay dearly for her apostasy in the Democratic primaries to come.
Hillary has now blown her easy front-runner status and will have to contend with a resurgent Obama all way until the February 5 national primary.
Dick Morris served as Bill Clinton's political consultant for 20 years, guiding him to a successful reelection in 1996. He is the author of New York Times bestsellers Because He Could, Rewriting History (both with Eileen McGann), Off with Their Heads, and Behind the Oval Office, and the Washington Post bestseller Power Plays.
Copyright Eileen McGann and Dick Morris 2006. To obtain free copies of all of the columns and newsletters by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann for non-commercial use, please sign up at
Posted by MJ at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign 08, Dick Morris, Hillary Clinton, politics
Thursday, March 15, 2007
More on Obama raised as a Muslim...
Is this going to be an issue or not?
Obama: Raised a Muslim After All
... or so reports the Los Angeles Times.
At first, Obama aides directed withering fire at Fox News after it reported that the senator had attended Islamic schools in Indonesia.
"Obama's campaign aides have emphasized his strong Christian beliefs and downplayed any Islamic connection. The candidate was raised "in a secular household in Indonesia by his stepfather and mother," his chief spokesman, Robert Gibbs, said in a statement in January after false reports began circulating that Obama had attended a radical madrasa, or Koranic school, as a child.
"To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago," Gibbs' Jan. 24 statement said."
Recently, however, they have amended their early account.
"In a statement to The Times on Wednesday, the campaign offered slightly different wording, saying: "Obama has never been a practicing Muslim." The statement added that as a child, Obama had spent time in the neighborhood's Islamic center."
And the documentary record goes a little further still.
"His former Roman Catholic and Muslim teachers, along with two people who were identified by Obama's grade-school teacher as childhood friends, say Obama was registered by his family as a Muslim at both of the schools he attended.
That registration meant that during the third and fourth grades, Obama learned about Islam for two hours each week in religion class.
The childhood friends say Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque."
Obama's family and campaign organization play down his religious associations.
But some supporters have responded with eager enthusiasm. As blogger Anya Kamenetz puts it on the Huffington Post today:
"Is there anyone else who thinks it's awesome that Obama grew up Muslim?"
Good question! Anyone? Anyone? Bueller - anyone?
Update: Having checked around the liberal blogworld a little this morning, I think I can sum up the reaction as: "It's true. So what?" A fair response. And it raises the question: Why doesn't the campaign own up too? Might it be ... could it be ... that they are becoming a little ... cynical?
Some on the right wonder whether Islamists would not regard Obama as an apostate liable to the death penalty.
But they are overlooking the political potential. Obama's supporters like to talk about how their man might change the map of American politics. OK, now imagine this: Obama speaking to a white Baptist church in, say, Arkansas ... and holding all those Bible-believing conservative Republicans spellbound with the inspiring story of how he left Islam behind to discover the true loving faith of Jesus Christ! Talk about changing the map!
Posted by MJ at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign 08, Obama Christian, Obama Muslim, politics
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
A look at the 08 Campaign
A pretty good analysis and look at the 08 campaign far.
Thusfar, Not Much Inspiring in the '08 Campaign
This is how the '08 Presidential primary race is shaping up on the Democratic side: Obama is running for President, Hillary is running against Obama and Edwards is running against Hillary. All tactics, no strategy, much like the Iraq War.
Almost every move Hillary has made seems designed to blunt Obama, who thus is setting the agenda and tone of the campaign.
Barack got into the race, and Hillary's timetable to enter accelerated. Obama goes to Selma to commemorate the famous march, and Hillary gets herself invited so as not to give Barack the stage alone. Then, she gets Bill to join her so as to compete for star power wattage.
Most recently, Obama has been compared, by others, to John F. Kennedy: young, bright, eloquent, charismatic, rock-star. So what does Hillary do in New Hampshire? She compares herself to JFK. A bit Nixon-esque---pronounced a statement he made himself as the Nixon corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. Usually, such comparisons are left to others to note, and comment upon. Hillary is smarter and more politically savvy than all this, but she appears at this early stage to be in the grip of her handlers.
Posted by MJ at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign 08, Edwards, Hillary Clinton, politics
A look at the 08 Campaign
A pretty good analysis and look at the 08 campaign far.
Thusfar, Not Much Inspiring in the '08 Campaign
This is how the '08 Presidential primary race is shaping up on the Democratic side: Obama is running for President, Hillary is running against Obama and Edwards is running against Hillary. All tactics, no strategy, much like the Iraq War.
Almost every move Hillary has made seems designed to blunt Obama, who thus is setting the agenda and tone of the campaign.
Barack got into the race, and Hillary's timetable to enter accelerated. Obama goes to Selma to commemorate the famous march, and Hillary gets herself invited so as not to give Barack the stage alone. Then, she gets Bill to join her so as to compete for star power wattage.
Most recently, Obama has been compared, by others, to John F. Kennedy: young, bright, eloquent, charismatic, rock-star. So what does Hillary do in New Hampshire? She compares herself to JFK. A bit Nixon-esque---pronounced a statement he made himself as the Nixon corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. Usually, such comparisons are left to others to note, and comment upon. Hillary is smarter and more politically savvy than all this, but she appears at this early stage to be in the grip of her handlers.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Obama and Hillary
Most of my fascination with Obama, is his effect on Hillary.
I couldn't resist sharing this photo after I came across it. ;-)
Posted by MJ at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign 08, grassroots media, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Obama, politics
Giuliani, McCain lead Clinton, Obama in new poll
I have learned to take any poll with a grain of salt. They are too often used for manipulation and to sell newspapers. But we'll keep an eye on them anyway...just for a general idea of how the race shapes up. It's really much too early...
Giuliani, McCain lead Clinton, Obama in new pollBLOOMBERG NEWS,0,4045181.story?coll=ny-islanders-print
Posted by MJ at 6:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign 08, Giuliani, Hillary Clinton, Mcain, politics, polls
Friday, March 9, 2007
Obama’s selma bounce by Dick Morris
A good read and some insightful commentary by Dick Morris.
Obama’s selma bounce
By Dick Morris
March 07, 2007
Will March 4, 2007, the 42nd anniversary of the Selma, Ala., march for voting rights, propel Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) presidential candidacy with the same force that Sept. 11, 2004 energized George W. Bush’s pursuit of a second term? The day clearly belonged to Obama, despite the efforts of both Hillary and Bill to turn it into Clinton Day. Obama’s speech was inspirational, challenging African-Americans to assume responsibility and participate in the political process. By contrast, Hillary’s speech, replete with a phony Southern drawl — the same one she used to effect in Arkansas — smacked of pandering. But Hillary’s attempt to paint the events in Selma as seminal in her ability to run for president seemed forced, artificial, and contrived. She appeared to have confused the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with those of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and to have mixed up the 15th and 19th amendments to the Constitution.
But Obama’s speech seared right through to the root of the American conscience. The spectacle of an African-American running for president and speaking on the site of a 42-year-old battlefield where the very right of blacks to vote was at issue could not but inspire everyone who watched it. The effect on the polls may be significant.
Posted by MJ at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Dick Morris, Hillary Clinton, Obama Selma, politics
A closer look at Obama, Clinton
Posted by MJ at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign, campaign 08, Hillary, Obama Selma
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
2008 Power Rankings: March 6, 2007
A cool idea from
I like the way the race is broken down into a short but sweet visual summary. We'll be keeping an eye on this in the future.
------------------------------------------- Releases Latest 2008 White House Power Rankings _____________________________________________________________
FAIRFAX, Va., March 6 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- PoliticalDerby.comtoday released the latest edition of the 2008 White House Power Rankings.Rudy Giuliani remains in the top spot among Republicans. Mitt Romney andJohn McCain are tied in the second spot. Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrichare numbers four and five, respectively.Hillary Clinton clings to the top spot among Democrats with BarackObama closing the gap and John Edwards fading into a distant third. BillRichardson is fourth, and Al Gore, fresh off his Oscar win, has vaultedfrom 10th to 5th.For the complete rankings from one to ten in both parties, visit:
Posted by MJ at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign 08, Hillary, politics, power rankings
Melissa reports on the Austin Rally
Melissa gave us the great picture from the Obama Austin Rally...and did a write up of the event as well. Check it out.
Melissa writes on the Austin Rally:
Monday, March 5, 2007
Comparing Obama and Hillary in Selma Alabama
I agree with the early analysis...Obama won this battle despite Hillary pulling out the big guns with Bill tagging along. Again...Obama is forcing Hillary to react to him.
Hillary and her "machine" are not going to stand pat having to react like that. Stay tuned...its' going to get interesting.
A Tale of Two Speeches
Hillary gets her groove on ;-)
A very interesting post from Powerline. Like I said...Obama has Hillary off her game. And its very fun and fascinating to watch.
C'mon Hillary...lame!
Chicken-Fried Hillary
Hillary Clinton is taking a lot of grief for the awful Southern accent that she affected (some of the time, anyway) when speaking in Selma, Alabama over the weekend. Just for fun, listen to this brief audio clip of Hillary speaking, in her own voice, to the Human Rights Campaign, which came from the YouTube video Scott posted last night:
Friday, March 2, 2007
Obama Video March 2,2007
Posted by MJ at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Obama, Obama news, Obama's pastor, politics
Thursday, March 1, 2007
A Great Photo of Senator Barack Obama
Posted by MJ at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign, grassroots media, Obama, photograph
The Latest Obama Video and News
Posted by MJ at 2:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, campaign, Obama, Obama news, Obama rally, politics